Early Acceptance Program with LECOM
Washington College is an affiliate school of Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine's (LECOM) Early Acceptance Program for medical and dental school. Students in the EAP can receive a conditional acceptance to LECOM by the end of their sophomore year and be exempted from taking the MCAT.
Early Acceptance Program with LECOM - Medical & Dental Schools
Washington College is an affiliate school for the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Early Admission Program (EAP) for medical school and dental school. Interested students apply to the program through LECOM in their senior year of high school or in their first or second years of study at Washington College (so long as they have accumulated no more than 65 undergraduate credits).
Students applying for the program while in high school or with fewer than 30 undergraduate credit hours must meet specific high school grade-point average requirements AND SAT or ACT score requirements. Students applying for the program with between 30 and 65 undergraduate credits must meet specific undergraduate grade-point average requirements AND SAT or ACT requirements. Interviews with LECOM are required of all eligible applicants to determine selection. Successful applicants will be granted conditional acceptance to LECOM for matriculation in the fall following their graduation for Washington College.
Those students selected by LECOM for the EAP for medical school are exempted from taking the MCAT. All students selected by LECOM for the EAP for dental school are still required to take the DAT and meet a minimum academic average score and minimum section scores to maintain their acceptance. Students in both programs must maintain specific undergraduate and undergraduate science GPAs in order to maintain their acceptance.
(Please contact prehealth@washcoll.edu for specific grade-point average and standardized test score requirements.)
Students in LECOM’s EAP are required to major in a physical science and fulfill all the requirements for that major in addition to the course requirements for the program and Washington College’s general distribution requirements.
Students in LECOM’s EAP for medical school must complete the following courses at Washington College, earning a “C” or better in each course:
- Two courses, totaling at least six credits, in English
- One course in Physics (typically PHY 101 or PHY 111)
- Two courses, totaling at least six credits, in Behavioral Science (typically Psychology/Sociology)
- Two courses in Biology, including two labs
- Two courses in General Chemistry, including two labs (typically CHE 220 and CHE 240)
- Two courses in Organic Chemistry, including two labs (typically CHE 120 and CHE 140)
- Biochemistry (cross-listed as BIO 409 and CHE 309)
- Genetics (BIO 209)
The following courses are not required by LECOM but are strongly recommended for their Medical School EAP
- Microbiology w/ Lab (BIO 203)
- Cellular Biology (BIO 205)
- Integrative Human Anatomy w/ Lab (BIO 301)
- Immunology (BIO 404)
- Integrative Human Physiology w/ Lab (BIO 424)
Students in LECOM’s EAP for dental school must complete the following courses at Washington College, earning a “C” or better in each course:
- Two courses, totaling at least six credits, in English (typically including ENG 101)
- Two courses in Biology, including two labs
- Two courses in General Chemistry, including two labs (typically CHE 220 and CHE 240)
- Two courses in Organic Chemistry, including two labs (typically CHE 120 and CHE 140)
- Biochemistry (cross-listed as BIO 409 and CHE 309)
The following courses are not required by LECOM but are strongly recommended for their Dental EAP
- One course in Physics (typically PHY 101 or PHY 111)
- Microbiology w/ Lab (BIO 203)
- Cellular Biology (BIO 205)
- Genetics (BIO 209)
- Integrative Human Anatomy w/ Lab (BIO 301)
- Immunology (BIO 404)
- Integrative Human Physiology w/ Lab (BIO 424)
Like many medical schools, LECOM will not accept Advanced Placement courses in place of the physical science requirements. LECOM will accept AP courses for their English and Behavioral Sciences requirements.
Note that the above lists differ from our general Premedical Program requirements. Our general Premedical Program requirements are based on the most common requirements for schools across the country, so students should consider taking those courses (or have a plan in place to take them in their final four semesters) required by our Premedical Program but not required by LECOM’s EAP in the event they decide to withdraw from the EAP or have their acceptance withdrawn.
As part of Washington College's status as a partner school with LECOM's EAP, traditional applicants from Washington College to LECOM's medical or dental schools are guaranteed admissions interviews provided they meet certain criteria.
Full requirements and regulations of LECOM’s EAP are available from LECOM as well as from the Director of the Premedical Program and the Coordinator of Pre-Health Professions Programs.